London Ontario


Sharing all that JAZZ... in London, Ontario!

Connecting London jazz musicians, performances, venues, and fans... since 2018.

Follow and tag @LdnOntJazz 




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Event details subject to change. Please check with the venue or musicians.

hIGHlights FOR JULY 2024

Vocal Jazz and Pop

Funk / Jazz

Keyboard-based Fusion

Trad / "Hot" Jazz

Jazz Jam Nights at Poacher's Arms

Want a chance to play with other local musicians? Poacher's Arms is the place to be on Wednesday nights. 

The popular bi-weekly hip hop, funk, free-form jazz nights hosted by Nathan Nykor's JUICE JOINT will now alternate with a more traditional jazz jam format with Frank Moreau's NOSTATIC JAZZ band! Want to jam on your favourite Realbook tune with a stellar rhythm section? Drop by with your instrument and test out your chops. 

traditonal Jazz Jam 

based on the Realbook songlist

alternating Wednesdays, 8-11

JULY 3, 18, 31...

Poacher's Arms 171 Queen's Ave (entrance off Richmond)

Hip Hop, Funk, free-form jazz 


alternating Wednesdays, 9-12

July 10, 24...

Poacher's Arms 171 Queen's Ave (entrance off Richmond)

 Restaurant or venue featuring jazz? Let us help promote! DM us on social media.

Are you a local jazz musician / group with an upcoming gig? We can help!